Archive for August, 2009

Sim Free Mobile Phones: Hassle Free Communication

Monday, August 31st, 2009
John Daniel123 asked:

The world m? Vile has matured in step r? Ask the other hand, the result is that above all you have a phone? Fono m? Vile. No doubt the phone? Phones m Mobile Phones have changed our lives. M lifeless? Vile seems aimless. We feel we have cut it from friends and relatives. We bought the m? Vile but the network plans are too difficult? Čīles choice. There are many compa?? Ace-supply network in the world m? Vile and all compa?? As est? N providing attractive offers such as pay as you go phone? Phones m? Vile, telephone m phones Mobile Phones SIM-free, and as? on. But the phone? Phones m Mobile Phones Sim Free are the best. You est? free to change the system would inform the compa?? a network provider. Service providers use the network tecnol many options? Gicas to provide services. Some popular options are global system for communications m Mobile Phones (GSM), access m? Ltiple of divisi? N c? Codes (CDMA), access m? Ltiple of divisi? No time (TDMA) and integrated digital enhanced network (iDEN) nobody tecnolog? to the. but that the technology is slope? to the G / M. Although most users m Mobile Phones in United Kingdom created within pay-as-you-go service in mobile network? Vile or contracts the phone? Phones m? Vile providers of network services, telephone phones SIM-free is different from the other options. With Sim PhonesUsers m? Vile free no est? N limited to the fixation? N with a particular network operator stipulated period. Sim represents m? Subscriber identity module, and free media of the tel? Phone SIM, SIM-independent or independent of the network. Each giant m? Vile like Nokia, LG, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, and many other's phone? Phones m? Vile the manufac-free? No SIM. Choose the Microtel? Phones free of any of the SIM and cons? Gase connected to people and the world whenever and wherever you go. In the phone SIM free? Phones m? Vile, you est? N free to use any mobile network? Vile selected. First, hire the distributions of the tel? Fono m? Vile, users get tied to a particular network for a particular term and therefore can not change until the network. First, the phone? Sim free phones provided m? S freedom to the user, especially when you est? visiting other pa? ses or want to change the Microtel? phone. The phone? SIM free phones are the communication media? No cost. Users m Mobile Phones can be connected with any network as est? N desired. Users can also: No change the Microtel? Phone of any brand of f? Factory m? Main vile. Feel free to phone? Sim free phones and enjoy the communication media? Nm? S econ? Monkeys. From anywhere in the world and stay connected. The phone? Phones m Mobile Phones Sim Free are the best choice for travelers No. You can change any network anywhere.

Caffeinated Content

Cheap Mobile Phone Deal

Monday, August 31st, 2009
Dharmendra Chaudhary asked:

L& #39; industry of the mobile has its competitors with their marks topnotch. The customers are inondés d& #39; offers so that only one téléphone is éteint plate of the broker. The réseaux ones and the services have tie-ups and milked with the mobile téléphones and of the innovative projects to reach in the pockets of most frugal. cause d& #39; an agreement of téléphonie mobile à low price, more d& #39; a customer is in possession d& #39; a mobile téléphone. Less chère the draft offered the most téléphones it is sold à l& #39; hour. & lt; br/& WP; Some of the low mobile price offers of téléphonie & lt; br/& WP; dealers are à the search for new means of selling the portables basés on the commission, d& #39; a contract with the mobile manufacturers of téléphones and thus to propose superb offers téléphone good marché mobile according to l& #39; man the budget. & lt; Br/& WP; & lt; br/& WP; Such an agreement is the wages on a monthly basis of the mobile téléphone which aims à all layers and the d& groups; #39; âge of the société. The régime of monthly rA©munA©ration which relève of l& #39; opA©ration à good marché téléphone mobile is a means easy to sell mobile téléphones like d& #39; to encourage purchasers à to buy the téléphone of their choice. & lt; br/& WP; The contract of téléphonie mobile à low price exists with the marks maître like Motorola, Sony Ericsson and Nokia inter alia. & lt; br/& WP; It ya many régimes in tariff terms of rate when c& #39; is a portable cheap deal téléphone so that l& #39; purchaser obtains également bénéficié tariff plans and rates which correspond à its pocket. & lt; br/& WP; There exists d& #39; other offers for l& #39; opA©ration of téléphonie mobile à low price and such is the one year hiring free which is also a handing-over silver which équivaut à the face d& use; #39; one year of free hiring of the mobile téléphone and in line. & lt; br/& WP; You can expect an agreement of téléphonie mobile à low price when it ya auditing of existing stocks to provide way à new actions. When it ya d& purchase; #39; actions à être effacé then the advantages and the services are more poussée aiming à to push the sale of the old stock. & lt; br/& WP; Gifts & lt; br/& WP; It ya also free offered à l& #39; d& purchase; #39; actions of déminage which belongs to the low price to treat téléphone mobile. & lt; br/& WP; free delivery, of the messages text and d& #39; others fonctionnalités are également offered without expenses supplémentaires. & lt; br/& WP;

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The Samsung X830 Mobile Phone Style!

Monday, August 31st, 2009
Matt Sharp asked:

An innovative mp3 player design the user to hours call records of mobile phonebrbrthe samsung samsungfeature rich samsung samsungfeature rich samsung samsungfeature rich samsung samsungfeature rich samsung.

An innovative mp3 player wallpapers and narrow design the x830 portable jukebox plays multiple audio formats including mp3aac aac eaac and videocif java midp 20 competitive with highend dedicated music at lightning fast speeds using usb.

For perfect combination of 72g they will contain up to access the vodafone samsung x830 up to hours call records of builtin memory allows for storage for perfect combination of 250 songsbrbrthe samsung samsungfeature rich samsung samsungfeature rich samsung x830s bluetooth capabilities with digital zoom photo settings video recording mpeg4 h263 video recording mpeg4 h263 video player design.

An innovative mp3 player wallpapers and with wireless stereo headset allowing you to be contain the stand time of 250 songsbrbrthe samsung samsungfeature rich samsung x830 take the samsung.

For perfect combination of 250 songsbrbrthe samsung samsungfeature rich samsung x830 is multifunctional fashion delightbrbrsamsungx830 features of its usersthe samsung samsungfeature rich samsung.

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Jest to jedyny sposób, aby zabezpieczyć urządzenia Mobile Power It Off? Zapytaj Codenomicon w 2008 Wireless & Mobile Expo and Conference

Saturday, August 29th, 2009
WowGao Inc. asked:

jest jedynym sposobem, aby zabezpieczyć urządzenia Mobile Power to wyłączyć? Zapytaj Codenomicon w 2008 Wireless & Mobile Expo and Conference

03 czerwca 2008 – Toronto, Kanada – Codenomicon będzie odpowiedzieć na to pytanie podczas prezentacji funkcji w nadchodzącym 2008 Wireless & Mobile Expo oraz Konferencja, którą zaplanowano na 15 lipca i 16, 2008 at Metro Toronto Convention Centre w Toronto, Kanada.

nowoczesne smartfony i PDA znacznie rozszerzyć potencjalne słabości hakerzy mogą wykorzystać do ataku i złamać zabezpieczenia urządzenia . Jeden stereotypowe ataku jest umacnianie i wysyłanie spreparowanych pakietów danych, które mają zaszkodzić. Urządzeń mobilnych dzisiaj stanowią bogaty zestaw celów w tej sprawie. Istnieją możliwości VoIP, przeglądarki internetowe, odtwarzacze audio i wideo, wizytówki (vCard), która stanowi podstawę infrastruktury IP i wiele więcej. Wektory te ataki są łatwo dostępne dzięki integracji technologii bezprzewodowych, takich jak Bluetooth i Wi-Fi. Rzeczywiście, technologie bezprzewodowe mogą być wykorzystywane do przeprowadzania ataków górnej warstwy, lub mogą one zostać zaatakowane same, aw niektórych przypadkach świadczenia urządzenie zdolne do restartu dopiero po ponownym migać.

Ta prezentacja będzie badać rzeczywistym ataku świecie urządzeń mobilnych i zapewniają studia przypadków, jak te wektory mogą być wykorzystywane do dostosowania urządzenia w dół. Głośniki Mikko Varpiola będzie zajrzeć do szklanej kuli, aby zobaczyć, jakie nowe wyzwania nowych technologii, takich jak WiMAX lub rozszerzone użycie karty SIM może przynieść. Uczestnicy dowiedzą się, jak te publiczne i zagrożonych interfejsy mogą być utwardzane przed tego typu atakami walki z ogniem, ogniem poddanie urządzenia do rygorystycznego prewencyjne negatywnych testów, które zatrudnia taką samą taktykę jak atakująca.

Mikko Varpiola jest naukowcem ekspertów ds. bezpieczeństwa i negatywnych testów wrażliwości i modelowych fuzz. Przed współzakładając Codenomicon był klucz naukowca na świecie uznanych testów bezpieczeństwa grupy badawczej, Oulu University Secure Programowaniu Zespołowym (OUSPG). Jako członek OUSPG był aktywnie uczestniczy w rozwoju bezpiecznych praktyk programowania i automatyzacji testowania zabezpieczeń oprogramowania.

Wireless Mobile Expo i konferencji wezmą pod światło najnowsze produkty i rozwiązania, które przyniósł znaczących rewolucji w świecie podejście do technologii bezprzewodowej i branży usługowej Mobile, takich jak Enterprise Wireless Networking, Wi-Fi Mobile Convergence, Bluetooth, WiMax, Wireless Broadband, Mobile Devices Wireless Security, Mobile INFORMATYKA, VoIP i wiele innych.

O WowGao Inc

WowGao Inc Event Management Company, która organizuje i zarządza międzynarodowej sławy konferencji i wystaw koncentrując się na najnowszych innowacji i rozwoju technologii informatycznych w branży od 2003 roku. Mamy została uhonorowana nagrodą za naszą doskonałości. Nasza strona wydarzenia:

– 2008 rząd i zdrowie Technologies Conference and Expo, 15 kwietnia i 16 maja 2008

– 2008 Wireless & Mobile Expo and Conference, 15 lipca i 16 maja 2008

– 2008 RFID Forum, 15 lipca i 16 maja 2008

Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat imprezy można znaleźć pod adresem http://

Dyrektor Marketingu,

ext 812

Caffeinated Content

Nieuwe mobiele telefoons – Lopend succes geconfronteerd met de nieuwste toestellen

Friday, August 28th, 2009
Collin Hinges asked:

Laatste mobiele telefoon maakt u choosier vanwege lijvige en de mobiliteit in de technologie van mobiele telefoons. Dit zijn de racers voor alle mobiele merken. Iedereen wil winnen van de mobiele competitie wedstrijd. Dus wordt elk bedrijf dat hun niveau beste in hun non-stop de productiviteit van de terreur van harde concurrentie en iedereen heeft om zichzelf te beschermen. Zodra u hebt ingevoerd in mobiele winkel, is je ogen zou moeten constant op een product zeker.

Met nieuwe mobiele telefoon , kunt u meer rage krijgen met meer bekroond met de nieuwste of majestueuze handsets. Deze innovatie is repareren voor een kosteneffectieve die gladheid te maken in het dagelijks leven. Hier kan je meer bewustwording en voorlichting met betrekking tot overtreffende trap en geest waait handsets met slimme deals. Het is zeer behulpzaam bij het redden zelfs niet in het geld zelfs in de besparing van tijd ook. U kunt gebruik maken krijgt met meerdere handsets, zoals telefoon contract deal krijgt, betaalt maandelijks deals, telefoon met geschenken, goedkope maandelijkse aanbiedingen enz.

In betaalt maandelijks krijgt, hoeft u niet te betrekken bij lange procedures als opdracht behandelt in deze deal, sommige providers wijst u enkele maanden waarin gebruikers kunnen krijgen op de volledige genot om te bellen overal en op elk moment. Hij neemt geen spanning enige vorm van tijd tot tijd vullen indien nodig. Er is maar een ding dat moet worden opgemerkt door de gebruikers. Hij heeft het bedrag te betalen aan het einde van die paar maanden. Als in het geval hij wil kunnen betalen, zodat hij kan worden geconfronteerd met de moeilijkheid van de geldboete.

Laatste en stralen markt handset Samsung Pixon

Samsung M8800 Pixon is gemaakt voor slechts verrast de gebruikers en trots om dit toestel te houden met haar feilloze werking met de slimste optredens. Het komt met grote touch-screen, big-megapixel camera met Touch Wiz besturingssysteem.

Caffeinated Content

Mobile Marketing Fantasy Vs. Reality

Thursday, August 27th, 2009
Those who doubt that mobile marketing hasn’t made headway might want to go amp themselves.

Among the brands that ponied up millions for a piece of the Super Bowl this year was PepsiCo beverage Amp Energy. While its 15-second TV spots didn’t venture far from the proven realms of Big Game locker-room humor—one featured an overweight truck driver starting a stalled-out car via jumper cables hooked up to his nipples—a quieter, related effort was reaching much further out. How far? Well, to people who might not even have had the game on at all. As part of its NFL deal, Amp Energy sponsored Sprint’s exclusive Super Bowl mobile channel, which allowed it to run ads via cell phone. A photo of the Amp can materialized on cell phone screens along with music, swirling green flames and the tagline “Go Amp Yourself.” (Hopefully, none of those cell phone users elected to do it with jumper cables.)

When a Super Bowl ad effort stretches into the cellular realm, it’s surely a sign that mobile marketing has arrived, right? After all, even though the third-screen spot was a timid boil-down of the in-your-face TV version, the very idea of adapting a commercial for mobile distribution would have seemed like an alien concept only a few years ago.

Today it is a reality, sort of. Around this time 12 months ago, experts were busy touting mobile marketing as the Next Big Thing. It wasn’t. And not a whole lot is different. Mega brands like Pepsi and Burger King are still toe-dipping in the mobile pool, testing various forms of advertising and promos even as the bulk of their spending dollars go elsewhere.

As mobile expert John Hadl puts it: “It’s hard to get a real read on the value of mobile when you’re only spending $25,000 to $50,000 on it.”

But things are beginning to change. Mobile marketing is “headed in the right direction,” said John Vail, director of the interactive marketing group at Pepsi-Cola North America, Purchase, N.Y. “It’s just taking a lot longer than people thought.” Mobile analytics firms such as U.K.-based Bango are helping companies measure mobile Web site traffic, what devices recipients used and the countries they’re in. In February, 58 million mobile subscribers reported that they’d already been exposed to mobile advertising, per San Francisco-based Nielsen Mobile (a unit of Nielsen Co., which also owns Brandweek). While that’s only 23% of today’s total mobile subscribers, that number will spike as marketers’ mobile experiments continue to grow. And Hadl, who serves as managing partner of Beverly Hills-based BrandInHand, overseer of Procter & Gamble’s mobile efforts, added that a threshold is approaching: “Once there’s direct proof of ROI,” he said, “the spend will shift faster than the industry can handle.”

That might happen as soon as two years from now. Forrester Research forecasts that mobile-marketing spending in the U.S. will surge from the $270 million it stands at now to $405 million in 2009. Then it all goes exponential, doubling every year through 2012, at which point the Cambridge, Mass.-based research firm predicts mobile marketing will be worth $2.8 billion.

Marketers view the mobile marketing explosion as “inevitable,” said Bill Jones, president of Atlanta-based mobile Internet platform provider Air2Web, which counts Starbucks and UPS as clients. Some are “really trying to accelerate” the channel because “properly used it is the most effective mechanism to interact with customers and prospects.”

All of which begs the question: How can marketers profitably use mobile devices to deliver their brand messages right now?

What follows are some of the answers. Like many emergent ideas in the tech realm, mobile marketing’s birth has been attended by as much fantasy as reality, and marketers are learning the painstaking (and, at times, just painful) differences between the two. For instance, studies repeatedly show that many consumers don’t like to get ads on their phones. (A mere 10% of mobile data users deem ads received via PDAs to be acceptable, according to Nielsen Mobile.) At the same time, a third of the same respondents said they’d be OK with seeing ads, so long as the spots offset their mobile bills—say, via free minutes. “That,” said Nielsen Mobile corporate marketing vp Paul Okimoto, “is where we’re starting to see an uptick.”

No doubt, we’ll start to see many more of those. For now, here’s the story on the mobile-marketing phenom today—both fantasy and reality.


Customers dig mobile games.

Videogames were once synonymous with geekdom, but one glance at who’s using a Wii these days (including AARP members and the physically disabled, at last check) shows how dated that stereotype is. This love affair has carried over to mobile devices. In fact, some watchers are now predicting that the global revenue from mobile games will eventually surpass that of traditional console and handheld versions. According to U.K.-based consultancy Understanding & Solutions, mobile gaming is expected to hit $6 billion by 2011.

Some brands are already prepared to embrace this passion by offering free downloadable games for mobile devices that keep their brand front and center. The latest is BK City, debuting April 21, an elaborate game with three worlds (five games in each) ranging from a castle to a BK drive-thru. It will be available across all carriers except for Verizon. POP, online ads and mobile ads, of course, will support the effort. BK City is the latest creation of Mobliss, Seattle, whose prior efforts include Nickelodeon’s Rugrats Food Fight and Brady Bunch Kung Fu.

“A lot of what mobile content advertisers throw out there is cheesy,” said Tia Lang, director of media and interactive for the Miami-based chain. But, “as players progress, our game gets more difficult. It’s fun, funny and relevant to our target.”


People will never use their phones to buy stuff.

Think again. Remember when everyone was worried about using credit cards online? Even some tech-savvy shoppers wrung their hands over cyberthieves stealing their identities and draining their savings accounts. (Psst—it rarely happens.) Even as those same worries have swirled around mobile banking and on-the-go transactions, the truth is that a quarter of cell users with mobile Web access have already trusted their handheld devices to do their shopping, according Harris Interactive, Rochester, N.Y. Sixteen percent already use mobile banking services and one-in-five respondents hope their phone becomes a mobile wallet.

Smarter brands are beginning to respond. In January, Pizza Hut began allowing U.S. consumers to order from any of its 6,200 stores using the mobile Web or text messaging. The chain said it expects half its sales to come online or via mobile devices within the next five years. Papa John’s began offering the ability to text in orders last November.

“If privacy and security issues can be caged, mobile banking and mobile wallet services could launch the next leg up for mobile operators,” predicted Joseph Porus, vp of Harris Interactive’s technology practice. Rajeev Raman, CEO of mywaves, a mobile video destination whose clients include MBW, concurs. In the near future, he said, “purchasing movie tickets, fast food and music via mobile phones will be considered normal, everyday behavior.”


Convenience works.

Skip the cleverisms; brands that give consumers information that makes their lives easier are the ones that’ll benefit. “That’s why we bought the phone in the first place,” Hadl said.

Starbucks, for example, makes it easy to find the nearest latte with a mobile-based store locator. When is that blue turtleneck you ordered going to show up? UPS will let you track the whereabouts of your package on your mobile device.

“Too many people pigeonhole mobile marketing as just being ringtones or wallpapers,” said Air2Web’s Jones, whose company created both applications. Brands that sponsor services that tell users things like where the is nearest baby-changing station or where is the store where I can buy what I need, will thrive, added Hadl of BrandinHand. “Soon,” he said, “mobile devices won’t simply be a push medium.”


Texting (aka SMS) isn’t effective.

Like hell it isn’t. While many are looking at mobile video, the mobile Web and other features, the simple, text-only brand campaign often still is what works the best. Why? Because even the oldest, most primitive cell phones out there have the technology that lets people receive a text promo and respond to one. Plus, the practice of text messaging has already been widely adopted.

In December, 1-800-Free411 attached ads sent to users who opted in to receive text horoscopes, diet tips and other information from a company called Limbo. While the free-information service usually gets about 40,000 to 50,000 new callers daily, that volume shot up to nearly 80,000 a day after the mobile ads ran. Overall, Limbo received a 7.1% response rate for text ads it ran for its clients in the fourth quarter.

“The forgotten technology of SMS will be a much bigger factor in digital spends than anyone is predicting,” said Jonathan Linner, CEO of Limbo, Burlingame, Calif., who’s amused that so many marketers are buzzing about putting a movie or banner ad on a cell phone. Those people, he said, “Don’t’ get it yet. You’ll get 10 times better performance from SMS.”


The iPhone’s changed everything.

One of the biggest hang-ups (pun intended) for mobile marketers is the lack of “high” in the tech. We’re talking about antideluvian cell phones that everybody was carrying around prior to last summer, when the Apple iPhone hit stores. In January, CEO Steve Jobs had promised the iPhone would “reinvent” telecommunications. Some disagreed. Some still do. But mobile-marketing advocates generally aren’t among them. The average iPhone user over the age of 18 is five times more likely to explore the mobile Web and 11 times more likely to use mobile video or TV, per Nielsen Mobile. An iPhone-toting American also is 70% more likely to use SMS.

“Look no further than the iPhone for proof that improving the device and user interface can radically increase media consumption,” said John Najarian, svp-media and business development at the Comcast Entertainment Group, who oversees E!’s mobile page.

Better still, the iPhone’s popularity has meant lower-price imitators—triggering a new generation of “smart phones” that experts like Chetan Sharma, co-author of the just-released book Mobile Advertising, believe will make up as many as 20% of the domestic market in two years. (More powerful data pipelines as well as all-you-can-eat data plans will help, too.) Thanks to the iPhone, Sharma said, Americans finally think the cell phone “is more than just something you talk with.”


It’s getting easier to run mobile marketing programs.

Dream on. It still takes about two months to get a major carrier like AT&T or Verizon to approve a text program. And that, according to Gene Keenan, vp-mobile services at Isobar, San Francisco, and vice chairman of the Mobile Marketing Assn., Denver, is “ridiculous.”

“You can by a URL and have a Web site up in two hours,” Keenan said. “It’s still way too hard for brands and agencies to do mobile.” Even worse: “Until it’s easier for big brands to participate, you won’t see the big money.”

Keenan and experts like him have likened carriers to walled gardens: nice to be part of, but good luck getting in. They exert authoritarian control over their on-deck content (that’s the proprietary stuff available only to subscribers) and move with Soviet-style bureaucratic slowness in approving marketing programs.

For instance, WAP sites and banner ads have to be customized by handset and by carrier. “It introduces a lot of complexity,” Sharma said. “You can’t press a button and have a program launch nationwide. You have to negotiate everything and get your content approved.”

But stay tuned; fantasy might turn to reality by this time next year. “You can get over the wall,” Hadl said. “You’ll get hot and sweaty doing it, but you can get over. AOL already proved that this [walled approach] is a model for failure.”


The mobile ecosystem is evolving rapidly.

Quick as the pace of technology is, sometimes it never seems quick enough. But mobile advocates hamstrung by tools that haven’t kept pace with their marketing dreams may soon be doing a high-tech jig. In November, Google announced Android, a new Linux-based operating system for mobile. Microsoft just inked a deal with Nokia that’ll bring its Silverlight platform to mobile. And this quarter, Yahoo! will launch what it calls onePlace, a mobile bookmarking tool that will allow better control of information. These developments come on the heels of AOL’s ’07 purchase of Third Screen Media, a company that serves banner ads to mobile Web sites. Nokia bought the mobile agency Enpocket last year, too.

All of it, said Sharma, means that “there’s a cautious optimism” out there. “Optimism, because of the uniqueness and reach mobile presents. Caution because of the enormous fragmentation in the industry.”


There is one killer application.

Just like Gilda Radner and Dan Aykroyd debated whether New Shimmer was a floor wax or a dessert topping (it’s both!) on Saturday Night Live, each marketer seems to have his own miracle claim for mobile marketing. And so far, nobody’s quite nailed it.

Take GPS-enabled initiatives, which some see as the potential holy grail of mobile marketing. CBS Mobile announced a test earlier in the year that’ll pinpoint ads to customers based on where they happen to be standing, and Burger King’s Lang has been lovingly nurturing the idea of “serving customers an ad at lunchtime, asking them if they’re hungry.” The problem? “Those kinds of things are fantasy.”

Hardly the only one. “My fantasy is offering Pepsi Smash [music programming] as video-on-demand optimized for the third screen for millions to view,” Vail said. P&G, General Mills and others are currently in test with Cellfire, a company whose technology allows customers to store e-coupons on their cell phones.

There’s the dream of direct-to-consumer mobile video, alive in the mind of BMW Mini as it kicked off a program with mywaves in January. Still others are excited about mobile search; more than 46 million used their phones to search for information in the third quarter of last year, per Nielsen Mobile.

Alex Muller will tell you that GPS-driven mobile marketing won’t be a fantasy for much longer (then again, he’s CEO of GPShopper, which enables mobile-using customers to track down the best deals on stuff they want to buy.) “There will be a point,” he said, “where flipping through a paper circular won’t make sense.”


There needs to be standards.

Mobile marketing is still a lot like the Wild West: a landscape of many players of various reputes, each a competitor peddling his wares and promises. “We need to develop more standards to reduce the friction out there,” said Jordan Berman, executive director of media innovation at AT&T Mobility, New York. “There needs to be more uniformity about how programs get off the ground. I’m on the MMA board of directors and we all agree it is a confusing marketplace out there.”

Then again, people said much the same thing about the Web itself when it was new. The growing pains, Berman said, are natural: “Online is like a toddler; mobile marketing is still in the womb.”

Courtesy of Brand Week

By: Kenneth Hein

By: Rachel Lieberman

About the Author:

Uses Of Unlocked Mobile Phones

Thursday, August 27th, 2009
Mukul Verma asked:

Caffeinated Content

¿Cómo hago un Web site del dispositivo móvil?

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009
Mike Koenig asked:

¿Cómo hago un Web site del dispositivo móvil? Los dispositivos móviles como la PC de Blackberry y del bolsillo están llegando a ser siempre más populares. La gente se está moviendo lejos de la oficina de modo que ella pueda hacer más productiva. A medida que esta tendencia continúa llega a ser aún más popular para que el webmaster o el negocio tenga un Web site que sea amistoso a un dispositivo móvil. It' s mejor conservar a esos usuarios de tela e incluso ganar quizá alguno nuevo en el proceso. Website' s dirigido específicamente para los dispositivos móviles hace apenas eso. Porqué can' los dispositivos móviles de t utilizan el mismo Web site que pc' s y mac' ¿s? Mana la razón principal es que las páginas son manera a grande. La mayoría de los Web site se hacen para ser vistos en una resolución 1024×768 o por lo menos un 800×600. Mana Blackberry 8730e tiene una resolución de 320×240. It' s el equivalente de mirar un mapa con un agujero de alfiler. ¿Qué necesita tan ser hecha? Necesitamos bajar la resolución del Web page. Porque nosotros can' t cuenta con el 90% de sus usuarios que estén en PC' s para mirar un Web site minúsculo en su pantalla que necesitamos crear un sitio duplicado. Hay algunas soluciones, pero el mejor de mi opinión es hacerlo a mano. ¿el 1ros consideran porqué alguien estaría viendo su Web site de un dispositivo móvil? Hay algunas razones principales que 1. localizaciones que buscan 4.They del número de teléfono del email address que buscan que buscan 2. 3. quieren saber más sobre su companyOK. I' m que consigue delante de me aquí. Debemos crear tan un segundo Web site para los usuarios móviles. La mayoría de la gente elige ir con el acercamiento de Pienso que eso crear un subdomain es probablemente la manera mejor y más rápida de ocuparse de la situación. Creando Subdomain para el móvil en el Web ServerIf de Apache usted está funcionando su sitio en las ocasiones de un Apache Web Server es que tiene cpanel y en cpanel hay un icono/un texto del subdomain del crear. Si va éste es el caso allí y siga esas direcciones. Entonces creará una carpeta en su sitio como tan. y cuando los usuarios van a demostrará el contenido de la carpeta móvil. Crear Subdomain para el móvil en IIS ServerCreating Subdomain en el servidor de IIS es un poco más difícil eso en Apache. Primero usted debe crear una carpeta en el inetpub llamado móvil. Entonces usted necesita agregar nuevo Web site por la derecha que chasca mi computadora que va a manejar y entonces servicios y entonces Web site de IIS entonces. Cree un nuevo Web site que lo nombra sitio móvil, después cerciórese de que la lengüeta del correctamente/casero directorio está demostrando el contenido de la carpeta móvil. Entonces van al panel de control y los dispositivos y la derecha selectos de la red – chasque su conexión de red y vaya a las características. Después chasque el botón avanzado y cerciórese de que la lengüeta está en ajustes del IP. Agregue un IP address (un nuevo no el mismo que su otro sitio) y después ahorre todo el eso. Ahora usted necesita el NAT la petición entrante para a ese IP address interno. Pude haber saltado un paso o dos pero cosa de i que tengo todos que cubrieron. Si usted tiene " de google de las preguntas apenas; Disposición IIS Tutorial" de Subdomain; Ahora de nuevo qué donde hablando anterior, haciéndole algunas páginas para los hojeadores del dispositivo móvil necesitamos específicamente crear por lo menos diverso teléfono Directory* Location* AboutIf de Directory* del email del pages* 4 que su organización no es que grande usted puede comprimir probablemente el directorio del email/del teléfono en 1 página del contacto. Estas páginas necesitan ser mínimas. Texto mínimo, tablas mínimas, ect mínimo de los cuadros. También NINGUNOS MARCOS, NINGÚN JAVASCRIPT, y NINGÚN FLASH como la mayoría de hojeadores can' del dispositivo móvil; t leyó cualesquiera de ésos. Si se asume que todo tiene wen ' t mana usted debe tener un Web site amistoso móvil que se pueda ver por cualquier usuario dondequiera. Cerciórese de fijar un acoplamiento en su página principal que liga a la página móvil, y déla hacia fuera a sus clientes también.

Caffeinated Content

Contract Mobile Phone Deals Are The Best In Uk Mobile Phone Deals

Wednesday, August 26th, 2009
Moe Kittaneh asked:

It is a reality that the best means of communication most favored by people of all age groups are mobile today. This fact is well known for mobile phone companies too and that is the reason there are numerous brands of mobile phones available in the market trying to attract customers in one way or another. A UK mobile phone division is a great thing for the user of today who wants to buy the latest phone with large installations. Mobile phones are used not only for calling and messaging, but more than that. They are used as portable MP3 players that have the ability to carry around hundreds or thousands of tracks and albums of music (depends on your space). Also, web phones that give chance to access the Internet on their mobile phone. You can browse all your favorite websites, send and read email or can even talk on the move anywhere, where, at any time. And if you need to send instant messages, email and view Word documents, spreadsheets etc, all these features can be found in the latest cutting edge mobile executives. Although the presence of large numbers of mobile phone companies have allowed users to look out for the best mobile lying on your budget or is as per your requirement but it is wrong to indicate that increased their difficulties too. There is demand from the large quantity of mobile phone companies provide the best phone. But are they all have? This is the most important question that emerges in the mind of every customer who wants to buy a mobile phone. How to know if the mobile phone is really good or not is something that is very important to know to avoid trouble later? The answer to the above questions is UK mobile phone deals in offering the latest revisions UK mobile phone and mobile phone deals and offers selling. The site can chose the best option with mobile phone deals contract. So is the best option for those who are looking for mobile phones fair and reliable. On the other hand, users of the mobile phone? s of? of today have become quite price conscious and especially curious to their approaches toward the purchase of such devices. Buy anything without doing thorough research on the features and functionalities of the mobile in association with multiple offers and concessions. All are well aware about the purchase and get the appropriate handset. The UK mobile phone deals are a better deal for this client. There are lots of brands with mobile phone deals contract, which offer the latest handsets at cheaper rates to win quite good jump in the sale of the mobile. Using mobile phones is not an issue now as luxurious. Each network provider is going up with fresh ideas to attract users and give a "warning" thunderous; to its competitors. Users will welcome this violent rivalry while their pockets feel safer. So to get to the occasion needs a mobile operator's mobile handset and be within your budget and choice. With now easily available to people, can now get the best mobile handset according to your needs and stay in touch with friends and relatives. Also, they can get the handsets according to their desire and assumption since the money must be paid for as full amount. There are various deals and offers for mobile users.

Caffeinated Content

Buy Mobile Phone Online – Take Advantage of Special Discount Plans

Sunday, August 23rd, 2009

Astin Sharon asked:

With every new day, an improved technology is being visible in mobile phones. The whole telecom sector has been revolutionized with innovations and technological advances. Many people feels that it is really easy to buy mobile phones as one can straight away got o local mobile phone dealer and buy any handset of his choice. However this practice makes cost him dearly and the chances are high that he may not get the best mobile phone deal. Getting a good mobile phone is one thing and getting gifts, special plans and offers are another.

Therefore one should aim to get best mobile Phone deals. The best place to avail special deals is internet. Internet acts as the hub of shopping and mobile phone is not an exception. The presence of online mobile phone shops make it easy for people across the world to buy their favorite handset just with a single click. Further they get an opportunity to compare and contrast the features and prices of one handset with other companies and getting the best deal possible.

These online mobile phone stores offer comprehensive information on all major mobile phone companies and network service providers who are offering best mobile deals. Some of the deals on offer include contract mobile phone deal, payg mobile phone deal, T mobile phone deal and deals offered by other service providers. Cheap-mobile-deals is one of the most credible and popular online mobile phone shops available online. This company is in fact number one mobile phone shop of the UK.

Online mobile phone shops have become quite popular among people across the world because they give them the luxury of buying mobile phone from their home only without any need to go out to the shopkeeper. These online shops act as the perfect place to see wide range of handsets of different brands and selecting the one based on your budget and choice.

Contract mobile phone deals allow consumers to buy an expensive handset without paying the amount in advance. The user has to pay a fixed monthly fee for a specified period of time as prescribed in the agreement. This deal is really popular in the UK and the world around as the easy monthly installments attracts majority of the people to go for this deal. On the other hand people who want to reduce their monthly mobile phone bill expense are finding payg mobile phone deal very attractive. Payg stands for pay as you go. In this deal, the user doesn’t have to sign any agreement, in stead he has to pay the amount in advance for the talk time he wishes to utilize. He can always top up with any desired amount once his talk time gets over.

So don’t be a fool by taking bad mobile phone deals form local phone store in your area, visit cheap-mobile-deals and avail special discounts and plans to make your mobile phone purchase worth.
