Sms Message to Any Cell Phone
Thursday, October 15th, 2009
The short messaging service or sms is a nice common denominator among mobile devices that will help bring more functionality and less silo applications. So far in America we have encountered hostility from some rooms as intelligent push email to SMS. But analysts are beginning to understand our brand of intelligent mobile messaging. The vision is that intelligent email to SMS where you filter as much as possible so you get 20 emails a relevant / critical instead of 200 on his cell phone and smart you summarize so you can maximize the use of 15 words SMS package that allows it's really a good approach! Who knew? A nice climax in the CTIA wireless show in the fall of 2007 was the speech by co-founder Dustin Moscowitz Face book. He tried hard to make the point that unlike the world of Internet and open systems computing with Google, Apple, Microsoft, etc.., Wireless networks are locked up closed systems of the carriers. This may have something to do with why mobile messaging is not adopted as widely as it should. The answer is pretty obvious to me. It seems that mobile messaging is thought of as status symbol into something quite useful! I am told that Blackberry devices are on & the state; ndash; after all we see in movies used by executives and rich people like Paris Hilton. As such, the masses believe that mobile messaging is expensive and this opinion is preventing the adoption of email on mobile phones. Mobile phone vendors are not helping this too as they are also pulling all the stops to the consumer appeal of capture something more useful functionality to the phone for messaging. Names like LG chocolate are designed to appeal to people who love smooth while Nokia keeps pushing the envelope of the mentality of the Swiss army knife with increasing functionality for buffs of the movie, gamers , music fans, and look and feel attractive to those who love the slides. Does LG even has an iPhone look-alikeBut how mobile messaging makes this aid? They also seem to have brainwashed the general population into thinking that if they want email, they have to buy a phone from Java to the Swiss Army variety or Blackberry. We need to let the secret out! You CAN get email on any mobile phone anywhere in the world with SMS. A number of free services such as, TELEFLIP and others allow you to place your Google, Yahoo! , AOL, Hotmail, etc. email address of. and then have email pushed to your mobile phone. You can even have email pushed to your Blackberry or Java with SMS.